Saturday, April 19, 2014

Longest Stay in Hong Kong

This blog post is about how I stayed in Hong Kong for too long! 3 weeks to be exact! It was fun but boy, by the end of it did I need a trip! The weeks are easy, just classes, lunches, and meeting with friends. Nothing special really happened the first week. I was swamped with work all week and weekend. I managed to get everything done by the due dates, which seemed like a miracle. What was nice was receiving my care-packages! I got so many things, and I love them all! The week after that (March 14, 2014) Friday, Jessie invited people to her room to get crunk and party! We played crusades, gossiped, and more; it was a proper night of jello shots and people! Later that Friday/REALLY early Saturday, couple people who remained awake watched “Silence of the Lamb”. I was pretty frightened. Called it a night.
Now this is when shit hits the motherfucking fan. Saturday (March 15, 2014), it was time for Mary’s birthday party in Macau. This night was some fuckery, and when I say fuckery, I mean it… We started this trip proper with a little bit of drinking on our way to the ferry stop! We were singing, dancing, and joking around the whole way. Some of these bitches rushed to get the ferry tickets, but I wasn’t going to run not tonight baby. I casually strolled through, and we ended up getting the tickets together anyways. No need to worry. From the ride to the Sands property, we were loud and proud! It was almost Mary’s birthday! We went into a hotel bar and started our heavy drinking… It was a little pricy, so I did the best thing I could. I went to Circle K, a convenience store. A bottle of wine with the girls on the stoops of Macau later, I was feeling it. We were Destiny’s Child! We were singing, dancing, and laughing out loud, but apparently this was not enough for me. I had to get another bottle of wine. Why you ask… I have no fucking idea. I went out to Circle K for the bottle, and I walked back with my friends. From there the dancing and clubbing begins, I don’t remember much after the second bottle of wine. So I can only give you pieces of my memory.
I don’t know what club it was, but there were dancers on stage. They were good! I remember I was there. Getting there is a whole new story because I don’t know how I got there or quiet frankly what it even looked like. What I do know is I snuck up to the VIP section and danced there for a while. I got kicked out of there. I managed to get back in, and once again I got kicked out and this time I really don’t know why. Sorry about it. Just don’t judge me.
I woke up the next morning at 7am. Our ferry ride back was around that time. Well, I’m fucked. I don’t even know where I am to be quite frank. I have no way of contacting anyone because I lost my phone at this very instance. I guess I must have dropped it when I was drunk… I did however have my passport and ticket back home! Now, to find my way back to the harbor, I looked around in my still drunken stage, and found myself in a residential apartment area. I had no idea people lived in Macau… haha JKJKJK. But serious people live here? I must have walked some ways because large tall buildings with casinos were nowhere to be found. I did manage to get a cab, and I gave him my ferry ticket and he took me there. It didn’t hit me yet that I lost my phone. What I was worried about was how am I going to get back home. I literally feel like death. I went to the ticket office and they kindly changed my ticket! Thank the lord because I was broke! I got back home, and Sami, my roommate, was coming in at the same time from a night out… We passed out. Happy Birthday Mary!
The week was based on me recovering from the Macau trip because I literally died… Well at least till Wednesday (March 19, 2014), AKA Wednesgay, it was in full swing free vodka mixed drinks for 2 hours. Shit went down at Wednesgay, we got drunk, and we twirled and danced the night away! There was a pole so the only appropriate thing to do is for me to be upside on it! I’m a little embarrassed, but I guess I’ll live!
After the free drinks were over, I got hungry so Samu, David, Jessie, and me went to some kabob place in LKF, and did some mild chowing down! It wasn’t over yet; we came back to halls and decided for a last minute run to McD’s for a 3am snack… This is my life! It was a good Wednesgay!

Last event from my stay in Hong Kong was Polly’s birthday (March 24, 2014)! Yas coordinated a party Polly’s been asking for! It was karaoke night for all of us! Hong Kong’s karaoke contains a full buffet, which the attendees of the party took full advantage of! We ate, and we were shy at first, but couple drinks in, we stood up and we sang and lost all our voices by the end of the night. We sang everything, and had our mini Destiny’s Child concert yet again in, I guess a more appropriate setting. As the night progressed, Joe and Q turned into strippers and their shirts were off! I didn't know we were that drunk... I guess we were... It was 5 am when I got home and fell asleep… Happy Birthday Pol! I was so tired, and I was tired of Hong Kong! I need a vacation!

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