Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Spring Break

I took a vacation! I went to the Boracay, Philippines. After 3 weeks in Hong Kong, I needed to get out! Early morning, Ffian, Polly, James, and I took the night bus to the airport and met with Mary, Hannah, and John. We were now on our way! The flight to Manila was a pleasant flight, and at the airport, we met with LV, Mary’s cousin from who lives in the Philippines. She basically guided us from Manila to Boracay. Good thing to because we would have been extremely lost without her. We flew from Manila to Kalibo, and took a 2-hour bus to a ferry. This ferry took us to the island of Boracay, and we took a tuk tuk to our hostel. Overall a 12-hour journey, but it was made all worth it once we saw the beach and had Mexican food! Thank god I had good company, or this journey would have been miserable. After the dinner we had couple more drinks, and we hit the sack because we have been on this journey since 4am.
The next day (March 28, 2014), I woke up a little later and headed to the beach! It was beautiful! I guess this can be considered my spring break, and it topped all spring breaks I saw on Facebook! The rest of the group joined us this day! It was somewhat action packed! We didn’t just sit around the beach drinking all day, we did banana boating, and well… Shit all we did was drink. Oh well, it was cheap! We spent the whole the day on the beach laying around and being lazy! It was a though week at school for most of us, so a little break was really nice. Dinnertime was nice! We went to the Boracay fish market, which is in district one of the island. (There are districts in Boracay, so Hunger Games reference was constant!) We bought all the fish and took it to the restaurant next door, and they cooked everything for us! How nice! I had fresh squid, red fish, and prawns! We ate like kings. Naturally after we were done eating… we went and sat around the beach drinking some mediocre rum! Surprise! We called it an early night.
The next morning, we took a party boat to Ariel’s Point. It seems like all the young tourists gather there to do the simple things in life like fall to your death from a cliff! We went cliff jumping there! Ffian and I are overly competitive, so we made a bet saying who can jump off the highest jump on the cliff jumping. There were 8 meter, 10 meter and 15 meter jumps. Of course I won! There was serious taunting from Ffi, so that is why I won! The alcohol was provided on the tour, so we drank till our hearts content! Rum and coke will never be the same! From the cliff diving, we went swim, snorkeling, and kayaking! I pushed Trent as he was getting his phone ready for the water, resulting in a open water proof bag with a phone being in the bottom of the ocean… Which I dove down to get for him! I was too drunk to know what I was doing! Rachel stepped on a sea urchin, and Hannah bruised her entire leg while cliff jumping, and Carlo scratched his arm when Ffi was bringing him up. 3 down couple more to go. The drinks were provided till we got off the boat back to our district! Ffi and I were too drunk! We runway walked, and I don’t remember much. Supposedly, I ordered pizza, and Ffi lost my towel. We both passed out. I guess the rest of my friends helped us to our beds because that’s where I woke up… I woke up around 10pm and I was hungry and hung over. I went to drink and eat with Polly, James, and Zach, but I was really tired so I went back in.
On way back in, I ran into Ffian, who I thought was dead, and Hannah. This is around midnight, so I went with them back to the main beach away from the hostel to grab a water bottle with them. Ffi hasn’t had the best of days that’s for sure. Ffi lost her purse, so no money, no card, and no ID. To lift her spirit, I asked her to explore with me, and let’s make it over to this gay bar called Juice Bar. We walked for what seemed like ages, and as we decide to give up on our hunt for this mystical bar called Juice Bar there it was. We walked in and got ourselves couple drinks. We started getting really friendly with this guy, who I do not know the name of, but we got along well! The manager came by and gave of couple free drinks and danced with us. Throughout the night Ffi and I were mentioning how drunk we were the night before not realizing that we passes out on the same day, got up, and drinking again. Came to be around 3 am, we walked back home drunk, and I went to bed.
Sunday (March 30, 2014), we went boating around the island of Boracay. It involved drinks and food, which we had no complaints about. The water there was unbelievably clear and the snorkeling life was amazing! The water was really rocky, but I managed to have a good time swimming around with the fishies! You know how it was 3 down from the cliff jumping, well Jess got seasick… Like really seasick. She couldn’t get back on the boat to go home, so her and Leah went back to our hostel in a cab. Not much really happened that night, we had dinner all together as a big family eating heaps of food on the beach! Afterwards, we followed the rest of the group to their bar they went partying when we were in Juice Bar, but it was empty and not fun, so couple of them called it an early night. Ffi, Pol, Antoine, Zach, Rachel, Trent, and I decided to keep trucking to Juice Bar. It’s our final night so we had to!
When we got there, we met up with the guys from last night and some new people from Aussie land! We had drinks with Popsicle in it, which were amazing. After the bar started cleaning, we thought it’d be an appropriate time to go skinny-dipping! So we did! Came back home and bed!

The next day was our leaving day! Time to go home bitches! We got to a tiny airport in Kalibo and after many minutes of delayed flight with no explanation, we got to Manila and from Manila to Hong Kong. Our flight from Manila to Hong Kong got upgraded to business class! Yay! We hopped on the bus home. That is how I did my Boracay!

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