Monday, June 2, 2014

Song Kran

In Bangkok, I went for the Thailand New Years! It’s called Song Kran; it was amazing! I arrived early Friday morning, and I checked into the W Hotel Bangkok. I went to bed because I was exhausted. The next morning, I had breakfast and worked on my paper; it was only a waiting game for Stephen to come so that we can get the ball rolling with these parties! Stephen and I had dinner in the city. After the dinner part was over, it was time for the partying. We went to Silom and walked into a strip club and watched a show, and got a little tipsy over the time being. Not a fun show by the way, but I was drinking so it didn’t matter too much. From the show to the hotel to change for the first night’s party, and the theme is White Party. I was in all white, and Stephan and I strolled into what seemed like a big arena of men pumping their fist to the music! I should have worked out a little bit before this party, but that thought left as the drinks took over and my shirt was off. It’s five in the morning, and Stephen and I went home and passed out.
The next morning, it hit us that hangover is real. We tried our best to keep food down at breakfast and look alive, but we weren’t doing a good job. Good thing was, we weren’t alone. Many other Song Kran party animals stayed at the W Hotel, and we could tell who went out and partied the night before (April 11, 2014). It was Saturday (April 12, 2014). We walked around the Silom looking for lunch after some pool time; it was really unproductive because we were so hungover, but we pushed through the day, and picked up some water guns for the festivities tomorrow. We got dinner and took a resting period before we went out to the same arena for the party. This was the main party night, and it was nuts! I was dancing and snapping pictures with model boys handing out free swag all night along. We were both plastered, and I was hungry. This is never good. We came back home and I ordered me a nice cheeseburger for me to devour. Stephan took half, but I got all the potato wedges! YAY!
If you aren’t getting the idea that this weekend was a drinking holiday for me then you are not very bright. Sunday was the actual day of the Song Kran Festival. The holiday is a water holiday where the Thai people bring in their new year by splashing everything with water. With this holiday in Thailand, it was only time before it got really touristy. I fell for the trap, but it didn’t matter because I was having fun, and fuck it, I am a tourist. We splashed and shot our water guns everywhere. We found a little nook with bars and drank and soaked everyone! It was a good time; we took refuge in our hotel after some beers because we had to get ready for the Song Kran Boy’s pool party. Like always, a drink in hand, a good dance music, and boys, what more do you need? We stayed for couple hours partying away in our swimsuits with other boys in swimsuits. Only when we were hungry did we think to leave. After the pool party, food and more of the water splashing festivities!
That night was the closing night of the parties in the arena. There were no signs of people slowing down or calling it quits after the chaotic weekend we’ve had. The music was still pumping, and the liquor was still flowing. Once again we left and ordered a cheeseburger, which I shared with drunken Stephen, and I had the potato wedges!

Monday morning, it was all over, and I have survived Bangkok Song Kran 2014 (barely). After a nice breakfast, Stephen and I headed over to the airport, and I was back home in Hong Kong. I told myself I’m never drinking ever again. Let’s see how long that lasts.

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